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Indurain Towers

Planning for a better connected future


The site acquisitioning and permitting specialists

INDURAIN TOWERS (Pty) Ltd, a division of INDURAIN Group of Companies, is established to specifically meet the growing demand for telecommunication site acquisitioning and -permitting services for all major network service providers and network infrastructure developers across Mpumalanga, as well as the southern parts of Limpopo, eastern parts of Gauteng and northern parts of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

We play a leading role in the successful acquisitioning and permitting of the cellular - and internet network of South Africa

Vission & Mission

We want to become the service provider of choice for all major network service providers and telecommunication infrastructure developers in South Africa.

The INDURAIN TOWERS team of professionals have completed more than 400 ready-to-build sites across Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and Gauteng over the past 5 years in their respective careers, and therefore we pride ourselves at having a wealth of experience when it comes to property- and development solutions for telecommunication infrastructure. Whether your priority is a neighborhood network solution, or a massive site roll out, we have the experience to meet your requirements.

Our Services

We will manage your site from the initial desktop studies and site surveys up to the handover of approved building plans

Surveys and due-diligence reports

Lease negotiations

Site searching and identification

Permit drawings

Civil Aviation approvals

Environmental approvals

Local authority approval

Our Clients

Service Providers and Infrastructure Developers

Indurain Clients CTC Operations
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